Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, August 14


I've been working so hard, and sometimes I feel like it's for nothing. I've been ignoring my personal life again, something friends and family always remind me of. I haven't gone to yoga since last Sunday, or eaten very well, or gone to work before the sun went down... all just to do my best at work. I need to play the lottery.

I was still really depressed and stressed out all day over Friday's event at work, plus my boss wants to reconvene on Monday morning for closure on "the subject". I just sat at home and pouted, popping acid reflux pills. Dave went over to Manhattan to pick up some birthday gifts. He's so sweet.

Late this afternoon, there was a sudden rain storm. The sound of huge raindrops beating on the windows, lightning and thunder... I instantly relaxed. It doesn't rain very often here- in fact, it seems like forever since I heard the sound of rain. I love it. I took a long bath after it calmed down and vegged in front of the tv until Dave got home.

My birthday is on a Tuesday this year, and I'm actually bummed about it. I won't have any time to enjoy it and probably won't be in the mood to. There's so much going on at work, and I'm so bothered by how I feel about it that it's ruining my Birthweek! I'm going to be 33.

We're going to celebrate my birthday mostly next weekend instead. Dave booked two days at a Bed and Breakfast at Cape May, a town at the very tip of New Jersey with a beautful beach and a little village with restaraunts and shopping. We're going to rent a car and drive there on Friday night (it's about a 2-hour drive), and have a beach-filled weekend, along with a day at a spa together. (If I were rich, I'd be a total spa junkie. I'm not much of a girlie-girl, but wraps and facials... ROWR!!!)

Tonight, we're eating Italian food and watching "Kung Fu Hustle" with a Corona Light in hand. Weird combination, but, that's how my life feels lately- it seems fitting.