Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, August 4

This year's birthweek plans

Coming up in a week and a half: my first birthday in New York! It's going to be hard to decide what to do this year!

I always make sure to do something very different every year. Last year I went to my very first Bikram Yoga class in Orlando and vowed to take it up when I moved here. (Which I did, thank you very much!) Years before that, it was piercings, traveling, etc.

We also try and celebrate our birthdays as birthWEEKS. Depending on when our birthdays fall, we start on the weekend right before our birthday and go out of our way to have extra fun, go out to dinner a few times during the week, get extra little gifts throughout the week, do some out-of-the-ordinary things for fun. ...Kinda like the way you're SUPPOSED to live every day. But, life- I mean time- permits that. So, instead of our birthday coming and going for what usually seems like 5 hours, we spread it out and really enjoy being around for another year. How can you cram something so special into one day?

We've been thinking about going on a 2-3 spa vacation off the beach... Hmmm... or maybe I'll finally get that tattoo! (Whaddya think about that, Mom and Dad?)