Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, August 8

Ukulele Lloyd

Tonight at open-mic (@ Kate Kerney's), the place was packed, a few of the regular musicians were in, and people were having a good time...

Then, a red, frizzy-haired guy in bright clothing carrying an electric UKULELE entered the bar along with a guy that resembled FLEA, but he was carrying a snare drum. They looked wired, and marched right up to the bar and started guzzling beers. Everyone tried not to stare, but I think everyone was wondering the same thing. Were they actually going to perform?

They introduced themselves as "Lloyd and Bingo", and immediately started jamming. They were AWESOME! Wacky and amazing. Lloyd jammed on his ukulele like it was an electric guitar! "Bingo" used wisks and did amazing harmonies. A total full-energy show! The bar exploded!

I spoke to them later- they are totally social, cool guys from Jersey. Dave and Lloyd spoke quite a bit, and they all played a few songs together during the night. Nearing the end of the night, Lloyd and Bingo did the coolest Duran Duran cover: Hungry Like the Wolf.

If you're in New York and want to check them out (along with Dave and some other really great acts), stop by Kate's on Monday around 7pm. (Kate's is in Midtown on 50th St.) Have a few beers and a great time!

Here are two photos taken with my cell phone:

Dave playing his newest song, "Only the Winners"...

Dave, Eric singing along, Bingo and Lloyd jamming along...