Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, August 13

Dave @ I.C.U Bar again

Dave was asked to play again at I.C.U Bar last night. He invited Geron to play too, and the owner asked Joff from "The Irthlings" to play. The place was packed and everyone had a blast!

I didn't go this time (although Dave coming home at 4:30am was a good sign that I would have probably been burned out for the whole weekend), but I was already worn out from a shitty week at work. It was my turn to be unnecessarily raked over the coals (in my opinion) on Friday, and it pretty much drained whatever bit of energy I had left after working my ass off for the last two weeks.

ANYWAY, today was a total veg day. We didn't do a whole lot, and it was everything I hoped it would be.