Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, August 16

Happy 33rd to ME!

We got up late since we were out drinking so much last night! After I got out the shower, there was a new shirt hanging on the closet door for me to wear for the day. Dave bought me a cool, rock 'n roll-looking shirt that had Incubus-type designs on it. (Note: That's Incubus- one of my very favorite bands of all time!)

Work went all right. I think it helped that it was birthday. After work, we walked over to 44th Street and checked for tickets for "Spamalot". We knew we wouldn't be able to get them, but we thought we'd check anyway. You know, just in case my lucky birthday stars were out. Or if someone got stood up by three other people. Or if one person got food poisoning from eating one of those hot dogs from a street vendor and the other two people that were supposed to go along felt bad for them and decided not to go. .....It could happen, you know.

By the way, I'd just like to add how cool it was that we walked a just few blocks and could walk right up to Spamalot. And Phantom of the Opera. And Lennon musical (which we're seeing SOON!). The Producers. Fiddler on The Roof. I love New York.

And, out of aaaall the places I could have chosen to eat in New York on my first birthday here, where do think we went? What? That expensive seafood place uptown? That trendy martini bar in the east village with the fun little finger foods that look like art pieces? Or the new, chic "Suba" that I've heard has the most amazing atmosphere and food? Nope. I chose Olive Garden. And not just ANY Olive Garden, mind you. Oh, no. I'm talkin' about the 3-story one in TIMES SQUARE! Oh, YEAH!

Actually, Olive Garden is one of my old favorites. I should probably be sent straight to hell without a hall pass since I live in New York, which in my opinion, has Italian food as close to real as you can get it without taking a flight to Italy itself. But the salad and breadsticks make me so happy! I guess I'm just easy that way.

Afterwards we wandered around Times Square. It's just 3 blocks away from where we walk to work every single day, but we rarely go there, even though it reminds me that I'm in New York more than many other places do.

We went to the Virgin store, and Eric bought me DVDs of "Dumb and Dumber" and Dumber and Dumberer". Ah, now THAT'S a special type of humor. ;)

For my big b-day gift: Dave gave me my very first iPod! Ok, I think iPod can close up shop now. Now every single person in New York owns one.

We're really getting excited about our weekend trip to Cape May! Just a few more days to go!!!