Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Friday, September 30

Zum and Alpha Bar

Tonight Dave and I headed over to Zum (Schneider), a Bavarian restaurant across the street from Alpha Bar, where Geron played (and where Dave is playing tomorrow night).

Zum always caught our eye- not just for the German food, but for how popular that place seems to be... It’s been over-packed with people inside and out, every single time we’ve walked by. So, we went after work- and it was very good- the only problem is that it's even more crammed when you're right in the middle of it! It was so loud, Dave and I had to practically scream to hear each other. The food and beer was good though, and I can guess that it’s much more enjoyable during off-peak hours.

Geron played really well- he jammed along a deep bass groove using all kinds of effects on his acoustic for one song- it was extremely creative and soothing at the same time. He's very talented!

Eric, Dave and I goofing off as usual-

Deb and Jef showed up later. Not a bad looking group, I must say... oh, minus Eric ;)

You know, as cool as everyone in this photo is, it must have been pretty weird looking with all of us standing there posing for almost ten seconds! My camera is still stuck on "night", which means everyone has to stay perfectly still until the lens sucks in all the light it needs in order to take the photo. On top of that, I placed my camera on top of my beer on the bar, then hit the timer so I could be in it. So imagine a hip group of people in a hip bar, all standing there posing for the timer, the flash and then a 5 good seconds afterwards. Ha! Oh well. It was well worth it, and I'm planning on buying a NEW camera tomorrow!