Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, September 24


Our great friend Bobby held Octoberfest at his place in Long Island (for those of you who don’t know, Octoberfest runs from Sept 17th through October 3rd in Germany). I wore pig-tails with green ribbons hanging down and was ready to party!

Jeff, Eric, Dave and I shut the party down and sat outside in the COLD wet air (It dropped into the 50s!) and just hung out for a few hours. It was a nice getaway.

And after all that, I didn’t even take any photos of the night except for one, really great photo of Eric passed out on the train ride back. (Which I won’t post….unless he pays me the amount I so politely demanded…)

Dave took one shot of me on the train. (NOT passed out, thank you.)