Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, September 11

Beautiful day!

I've opened the windows for the first time in months, now that the weather is crisp and cooler.

Baby, my first cat (of three)

Spooky and Baby are are loving the fresh air!

But unfortunately, Lou has come down down with a cold. I've been making sure he has a lot of sun to sleep in.

We're heading over to the city in a bit to shop, watch a Bills game, and then see the Sept 11th memorial. We only arrived last October, so we weren't anywhere near the date of the September 11th attacks. I refuse to buy anything with the towers on them. I don't want to not only own anything that has buildings on it that no longer exist, but I don't feel right "remembering" an event like that I was not a part of. In other words, I don't want to buy something that has caused so much sadness to others when I was not any part of it. I hope that comes across correctly in writing it.

I'll try and post some photos of today's events and of the memorial beams. We've seen them in the sky from here for a few nights as they tested them out, but tonight, we're going to try and be there up close.