Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, August 8

Lifestyle changes

are so important; I think the best way to make a lifestyle change and stick with it is to start it the minute you relocate, training yourself that it's part of the new environment.

I want to take Bikram Yoga classes once a week (those are the classes where you do yoga in a room that's set at 100 degrees). I actually caught site of an Orlando Bikram Yoga place on our way back home from the airport! I think I'm going to try and take my Birthday off with Dave and take a class. We both deserve it! And I don't want a big deal for my birthday this year at all. I just want to focus on introducing myself to new challenges.

Another change I want to make for myself- I've missed my Krav Maga classes so much since I had to stop (money problems long ago). Here's a cheesy news clip I found that sort of shows what Krav Maga is (I also found another one, but I first want to note that I was taking Krav Maga LONG before this awful Jennifer Lopez movie!!!). Dave has always wanted to take a Marital Arts class like that anyway, so why not do it together in NY? (I joked to Dave about sparring in Central Park on Sunday afternoons. That would be so cool! We'd be BAD AZZ! HA!)

One more thing...I'm really going to work on more music with Dave. I'll keep up guitar, learn bass, and do a lot more singing. I also have TONS of lyrics with no music and TONS AND TONS of melody ideas recorded with no lyrics. I only have one whole song written, and while the music is complete, I have yet to finish up the lyrics.

My only problem is that I have a HUGE phobia of singing in front of people, even Dave! I was really bothered by it a few years back, so I started taking vocal lessons on and off from Judy Leonard, a really big vocal coach located here in Orlando. She is EXCELLENT. I'm getting better...I couldn't even hum a tune in front of anyone two years ago. Singing can be such a window into a person's soul (unless they have an empty soul, in which then it's just all fake, forced, prepackaged crap), and I am often very protective and closed. Sometimes I have a problem speaking casually with 1-4 people face-to-face; I often switch the conversation quickly away from myself onto someone else. I even sometimes get terrible anxieties before meeting up with people...even with friends for fun (of course, lots of beer always "helps me be me"). Some months, I'm totally fine. I'm a weirdo. Speaking on stage or in front of a large group, I'm pretty much ok. In the past, I've done some acting, and was even a runway model for 5 years, but I've never SANG on stage before. Maybe that's all I need. Maybe in NY when no one is around that I know? Maybe I'll take vocal lessons once I get settled.