Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, September 19

Let the packing begin

It's 2:30am and I'm just getting ready to go to bed. Dave and I have been packing since this morning (as well as washing three plus weeks worth of laundry)! I'm so driven I don't want to go to sleep! And just one more week of work!!!

We found out today that the apartment was definitely ours. Tomorrow morning, someone's coming over to buy the fish tank already! I had made a great flyer and had hung it up at work on Friday. Within three hours, someone from Editorial called on it. I'm really going to miss that tank. I love it so much, it's just time to let it go. It's just so beautiful.

We might get to move early! We've packed up all our millions of books and all the various toys and art from around the apartment. That's actually pretty much everything. What's left are large objects like dressers, a bed, desks and a couch. Our place is luckily very artistic, yet very simple. It's looking pretty weird in here.

The studio we'll be working for wants us in asahp, but I'd like a few days off. I'd love to move in on a Wednesday and start work the following Monday. We REALLY need a few days off. It's been a very long time, and I'm so tired.