Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, August 28

Another job offer

came to me last night while driving to the grocery store- I was really surprised by it! I had forwarded my resume to someone in NY through a friend about 2 weeks ago, and had almost forgotten about it.

The manager calling asked when I'd be moving, then quickly added, "The sooner you can start, the better." I called him back this morning and left him a message asking if he'd be available to meet during the week of the 6th, after Labor Day. I decided if he needed me so quickly, I'd better get on it- so we're going to leave a week earlier. I wish we could go next week, but then there's that pesky Political Convention taking up space...

I also asked him if I could send him the resume of "the person I'm moving to New York with". That one thing that would speed up the process of us moving there would be if Dave found employment during the visit as well. [Don't worry- It came across much better than wasn't as manipulative as it sounds!]

I also called the Publisher again today (BTW-they never called to tell me they received my samples and thank me!!!). I asked the Human Resources contact that I was thinking of coming to town a week earlier, and was hoping to set up a meeting then. She's going to call me back. I wonder if they're even interested anymore?

I've been talking a lot with friends that work at the studio, and people I work with here at Harcourt who know a little about the studio. Everyone seems to like it there. I hear they're always busy, very little down time. That's very good. But no one knows what to ask for! That's my last question.

I'm still weighing the Publisher pay vs the possible studio pay. Plus, the Publisher will give me paid holidays, insurance and overtime. I'm not sure the studio will give me any of that, plus they'll probably pay less....but the studio is a more relaxed place to work. Maybe Dave could take the studio job, and I could take the Publisher.... Eugh.