Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, August 17

Yesterday was my 32nd birthday,

and Dave and I went to our first Bikram Yoga session! Every Birthday I try to experience something totally out of the ordinary.

Neither one of us had ever even done yoga before. It was a 90-minute yoga class in a room set at 100 degrees, and it was awesome. Dave and I did great, only stopping 1-2 times to rest, and when we left, we felt lighter, more limber, and cleaner. We're going back again on Saturday; we're shooting for twice a week.

Of course, we were starving by the time we got out (you're not supposed to eat 2-3 hours before the class), so where did we go? The Melting Pot, of course! We spent all that time sweating toxins out, but then turned around and shoved them back in! Ha! ...We did the broth instead of the oil, if that counts?!

I also celebrate a "Birthweek" every year (Dave had his first Birthweek ever last year). That's where you get to celebrate an entire week starting with your actual Birthday. Birthdays can be so pressured on what to do all in one day, where to go, what to buy for one we relax for a week, eating out here and there, buying things as we go along, basically making the time to enjoy ourselves (where people should really make that time for themselves all the time). It really makes your birthday last, so you can truly enjoy yourself (and it helps you forget you're a year older!).