Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, August 9

We're already planning on revisiting

New York in a few weeks so we can finish looking at apartments and areas, go to the remaining interviews, and make our final decisions. We're thinking about revisiting in early September (AFTER the political convention gets over with!).

I've also been working hard on this site- It's weird, though; normally I can spend from 6-10 hours sitting at the computer illustrating, writing and such, but I have so much going on right now- so much to consider, to think about, to plan...I feel so scatter-brained. 

This weekend we cleaned out our big walk-in closet area that was becoming overwhelmed with junk. Our hallway is now lined with items to give away: books, old clothes, old candles, trinkets, VHS tapes, etc. Our closet is now lined with boxed books, winter jackets and CDs. Storage is next. We're cleaning stuff out, and packing up things we want to keep so it's ready to go when we decide. And if we don't go, it's neatly organized and labeled, just the way I love it. (I know, you can say it. I don't care.)

BTW, here are the areas we have decided to look in, based on what we saw, tips from some actual New Yorkers we spoke to, as well as our internet and book research:
• Astoria, Queens
• The Heights, Brooklyn
• Greenwich Village, NY