Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Wednesday, August 25

We're heading back for a second visit

from September 12th-15th. I wish we could go sooner, but the Political Convention is going on the first week of September, and Labor Day is in the 2nd week. Dave/we are hoping that we can look for apartments on Sunday, go to interviews on Monday and Tuesday, and get an answer on things before we leave. Then we call an apartment and tell them we want it. We'd come home and start packing to make the move by the end of October. Easy as pie, right? God. Is that even possible???

I spoke to a another FL-to-NY friend on Sunday who has been living there for about 2-3 years now. She had relocated to take work as a newscaster/correspondent for Fox News, and is now an editor for In Touch magazine. I think she also still does work for the Jay Leno Show as a correspondent from time to time, so her situation was a little different, but her boyfriend works for a studio, so she gave me an inside scoop on where to try for employment.

She said the Publisher I had interviewed with seemed to pay well; a few people from the studio left to work for this place. I guess I'm on the right track! It's a lot more professional/corporate/stuffy than working for a studio, but I'm also looking for a comfort zone to start. I know my job, and I'd feel more comfortable doing just that as a first job there, rather than starting at a magazine or comp studio working on the flip side.

I sent the samples out last night: I'm both proud and unsure of them. They don't have all the flashy printouts of pages and huge illustrations you'd think you should supply. It wasn't a portfolio. That's not what I do, and I wasn't going to give that impression. They really wanted to see impressive stuff, but unfortunately this means they're asking for color copies of current book that will give away Harcourt secrets, not impressive as in "Wow- great design on this". Instead, I sent copies from older books with descriptions of what I did on each. A "sub-resume" if you will. I hope they're satisfied. I called the designer I was interviewed by last and he sounded a bit perkier on the phone. I'm really hoping they aren't trying to get secrets over hiring me. He's going to get the package this morning.