Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, September 2

Waiting to leave

The storm has moved a tiny bit, any bit is good.

We're definitely going to drive up to New York, but we're waiting to leave until about 5 in the morning. This will allow us to drive up and away from the traffic of other people trying to get out (we hope)! Plus, we could really use a good night's sleep. This way we can drive with a fresh brain and maybe even drive straight through!

I won't post about the upcoming storm any more, but here's one, last link if you're interested: Hurricane Francis' path

Anywho, I'm really excited about this road trip. I get to meet more of Dave's family. We have time to look for apartments. We can visit a museum or two on Labor Day (I hear a lot of New Yorkers head out for holidays and it's always a good time to see a show or visit a museum). If I were a big shopper, there's an 8-floor Macy's with a Labor Day sale! We might even come home with jobs. Everything could fall into place.

I'll write again by Sunday NEXT week! Stay tuned!

Oh, and sorry about that "God Bless" thing. That's very unlike me.