Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, September 23

A possible delay?!

Check Jeanne's Progress

WHAT!? This is getting rediculous. Unbelievable. Hurricane JEANNE has been messing around for the last few weeks out in the ocean, looping around, looking lost...and now, it's bee-lining right for us. Fabulous.

Our plan was...I mean finish packing over the weekend, pack up the truck on Monday, and leave early Tuesday morning to get into NY Wednesday morning. We moved our move-in date up to Wednesday so we could get a few days to relax, have some fun, get some sleep before our first day of work (Monday Oct 4th).

I was starting to feel pretty sad today at work. I don't know if I want to have a "goodbye lunch", although I suppose I should. I wish I could just write a goodbye email and sneak out the back door.