Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, November 29

Thanksgiving trip

What a trip! We flew out on Thursday morning, flew back on Sunday morning. It took us two and a half hours to fly from Orlando to New York, but we tried taking a different subway home and sort of got lost, so it took us 3 and a half hours to get from Kennedy airport to our apartment!

In switching trains, I took a few pics of art in a particular subway station:

The next time you fly somewhere, try and get onto a Song flight. We've flown them a few times- they totally rock. Everyone has their own tv in the back of the seat in front of them- you can watch tv the whole time, watch a movie, play games, or keep tabs on your flight: where you are in your flight, how high up you are, how many miles you've traveled, how fast you're going, what the temp. is outside, etc....

And my favorite...yep, the FOOD. They have a menu you can order from, and everything on it is good! Sodas are always free, and they have a whole bar of drinks to choose from, even fresh martinis. I always have a comfortable flight with them. Having the tv always makes time go by fast, too.

Anyway, for Thanksgiving, my parents drove from Palm Beach Gardens up to Orlando to have dinner with Dave's was really nice of them! We all had a great time. Saturday night, I went with Dave's family to the TD Waterhouse Centre to see the Magic beat the 76ers! What an exciting game (105-98)! Also, December 3rd will be my first b-ball game at Madison Square here in NY: Magic vs. Knicks!

Also while in Florida, ironically, I got my first winter coats and hauled them home. My parents insisted on making sure I was going to be warm enough, so I ended up with three awesome coats from the Burlington Coat Factory. I hear that this November is unusually mild, and the freezing cold weather is expected drop out of nowhere and hang out until March. I hope I can get through it!

Wednesday, November 24

Party at Great Jones!

Sara, Marina, Kavita and Raina at Great Jones Spa in NY

The party was wonderful Monday night! Of, course, after they kicked us out, a good handful of us went off together for many, MANY drinks at "Raul's" (which I don't know if I could find again without doing a full-out internet search). The photos taken that night were astonishing- it was a very interesting evening!!!!

We all managed to shuffle into work this morning (just one of us MIA for the day- not bad!). I worked until 11pm tonight, and I'm STILL awake enough to post tonight. I must be excited about visiting home this week!

Tuesday, November 23

...Is it Christmas time already?

I finally bought a digital camera! And just in time- it's awesome in New York right now! The Macy's windows are set up with all the moving Christmas scenes, the streets are filled with decorations...The photo above is of Greeley Square, all the trees filled with lights. There are tents and bleachers all set up for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

Dave and I are flying home for Thanksgiving to spend time with our families. We're pretty excited about seeing downtown again- maybe it will seem a little easier on the eyes, huh? =)

Saturday, November 20

First taste of new position and party TK

Man, this work week was terrible!!! It's crazy busy. Plus, the promotion I spoke about: I've accepted the job of being the Production Manager of the studio. Yesterday was my first taste of it. I think I was totally caught off guard!

Monday night is my Boss's 50th Birthday party, being held at Great Jones Spa in the Village. It should be pretty amazing! It'll be nice to blow off some steam!

Tuesday, November 16

Dancing car!

Freakin' COOL!

Old photo to post

I totally forgot to post this!

Outside a Halloween shop- a guy dressed as a gorilla carrying Michael Jackson around in a cage. He's wearing the Michael mask and has his hands clinging onto the cage.

Sunday, November 14

Bills vs. Patriots

Tonight: Dave vs. Eric

I’m alive- I swear!!!

I’m SO SORRY, guys!!! I’ve fallen SO behind in my bloggings… Just know that if you don’t hear from me, then something’s going on!!!

So much has happened in the last three weeks!!! Dave and I have been all over New York, have met tons of new people, have had three guests from Florida, Dave finally sold his truck, we both received huge opportunities for job promotions, I got my first real illustration gig, got invited to a big hoity-toity birthday party next week, and Eric, one of our closest friends from Florida has been staying with us for the last two weeks working at the same studio, who may possibly be my partner in my new position!

Let me back track a bit…I have about 10 partial blogs…I’m going to fill them in and post them for you. I'm trying to catch up on most things, including wrapping up my site (it’s taken me a while to get to it even though it’s a VERY basic design), and I’m going to take my digital camera to a shop this week to see if I can get it fixed!

Later today, I think we’re heading over to the Skyscraper Museum and introducing Eric to the Manhattan Old Navy (a four-story Old Navy with much different clothes than what you’d see in the regular stores!).

Chow! ; )

Saturday, November 13

Tony on Trading Spaces!

Tony, a friend of Dave’s (he owns a Pet Shop here in Jersey City) is going to be on Trading Spaces tonight at 9! We were invited to the party (snacks and drinks while the show s on at Tony’s, then dessert and drinks at his neighbor’s afterwards), but I don’t think we’re going to make it. Both Dave and Eric look totally exhausted. Be sure to catch it if you can!

Update: If you missed it, here’s a peek!

Friday, November 12

Friends in town

It’s cold (high 20s) and rainy today!!!

Dave went out tonight with our old neighbor and great friend from Florida, Ryan: VERY cool guy. They went over to visit some more friends of his in Brooklyn, and then hit the town for a long night of heavy partying and music. Eric is working at night tonight, but will probably catch up with them later. Also, might snow a bit tonight (although I hear in New York, it *always* might snow)!

Thursday, November 11

Automatic cat shat cleaner

We had mail-ordered a giant Litter Maid and it’s here! It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! How did I go this long without owning one??!

Saturday, November 6

Eric is here!

His first day of work is Monday. Yaay! Out on the town to the Red Lion on Bleeker Street. There was an amazing band that played nothing but covers from Pink Floyd and Oasis. Awesome.

Tuesday, November 2

A job for a friend

I’ve been pushing a bit, but Eric got hired at the same studio!!! How cool! We’re so excited for him! We’re going to pick him up on Saturday morning, and he’s going to stay at our place until he settles into a place of his own, maybe in a month or so. He’s so talented- I know the studio is going to love having him!

Monday, November 1

Spongebob and mace

I wish I had kept it so I could scan it…there was a GREAT photo in The Metro this morning (a small, free newspaper you can grab to read on the subway) of an adult male dressed in a Sponge Bob Square Pants costume (I don’t think he had any pants on underneath)! The photo was a great action shot of a cop spraying him with mace and he was in mid-stride to escape it. The paper read that the guy and a few others were attempting to start a small fire or something. I couldn’t find it on the web. =(