Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, October 2

One year celebration!

WHEW. I have quite the hangover, and Dave is somehow worse than I am!

Dave played at Alphabet Lounge in Alphabet City last night right before "Evan Jaffe and The Feud" (not bad). It was a great music night! We all drank heartily, celebrating our first year here.

Afterwards we (Dave, Eric, Jef, Geron and his friend Mike) went over to Hop Devil (Ave. A, East Village) and drank some more! I was mostly a complete moron, but every one of us had a complete blast for our own reasons.

Here are a few pics:

Dave up on stage

Dave and I

This reads "KNURD!" That's DRUNK backwards. Bet you didn't know we spoke sdrawkcab! What? You didn't know we were latot sdren? Tnod yrrow, uoy lliw teg ot wonk su noos hguone.

Jef and I over at Hop Devil with little dwarves on our foreheads (torn from the center of the drink coasters on our table)

Around 1am, our wonderful friend SHANKAR called and I sat on the sidewalk talking to him for about 2 hours, even all during the cab ride to the WTC PATH. Shankar: If you're reading this, WE MISS YOU and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!