Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, December 31


:::Catchup blog for December, 2005 (see 3/14/07 post):::

December 14
So…I tried a physiatrist for the first time. I’d been feeling pretty down in the dumps (more than normal), and I have insurance now, so I though I’d give it a try.

The office was on the 24th floor and had an amazing view of the city! I wondered if he charged as much as he did in order to cover his office rent. Overall, the visit was crappy. He spoke more about himself and his music abilities and desperately searched for specific terms in which to label me with for his records.

On the way out I asked the receptionist if there was a good place to take a photo or two from that floor. She happily walked me out of the office into the hallway and opened the door to the fire escape. It was a simple terrace-like fire escape. There were no bars to keep me from jumping or doing anything crazy- I couldn’t believe she’d let a new patient hang out on the fire escape like that! She had no idea why I was there…scary.

Anywho, here are a few photos…

December 25
The trip to Florida for Christmas was so great! I flew into West Palm while Dave went to Orlando.

I’m starting to forget my roots! While waiting for my parents to pick me up, an SUV towing a huge boat pulled through the arrival pickup area! It seemed so foreign.

My parents had bought a new iMac for themselves online, with a little Christmas help from Eric, Dave and I. We had it shipped here where we loaded it up before I took it with me by plane. It was fun to set it up for them and play with all the new goodies that come with 10.4! VERY cool. MUST get one for myself some day…

I had a great time lounging around seeing family again. The visit was much too short! Also on Christmas, Dave drove down from Orlando and stayed for a day. It was a great vacation.