Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, December 11

Good weekend

This weekend was pretty great. We put up our Christmas tree, Scott, Iris and Jef came over to eat and drink, I did a little X-mas shopping on Sunday, and then Jef came over and we burned our first fire up on the porch in our new barbeque grill. (That was really, really nice.)

{photos TK}

I bought tickets on Friday so I could fly home to Palm Beach Gardens (where I grew up) to see my parents for Christmas! Dave will be flying to Orlando but will be driving up to spend Christmas later in the day until fly back Monday. Eric's dad will be visiting New York for the first time in 40 (That's FORTY) years!!!! How cool!

Speaking of "cool", the weather is looking a bit cold this week! Low of 17? What! And no snow?! Hmph.