Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, November 26

Our Thanksgiving!

What a great Thanksgiving! Four days off and lots of time to do practically nothing.

I LOVED cooking this year! I made maple-glazed sweet potatoes, mulled-wine cranberry sauce, garlic mashed potatoes with caramelized leeks, green beans with wild mushrooms and onions, honey almond salad, candied orange and cranberry chutney with milk chocolate mousse for dessert, and of course, a turkey. (The only item that was not from scratch! It was precooked; I only had to heat it for two hours.)

Baby watched me cook the whole time...

We partied the day before and on Thanksgiving- we drank festive cosmopolitans. We had gone to the liquor store down the street we call "Helen's" (owned by Helen- we still don't know what the name of the store is), where she gave us an extra bottle of vodka as a gift!

Thanksgiving morning, Dave, Eric and I headed to the city to watch our first Macy's Day Parade! I hear New Yorkers refer to the parade as "touristy", but it didn't seem that way at all. I guess if you go year after year, it’s sort of like the Disney parades we see all the time in Orlando.

We had a blast. I felt like a little kid when I saw the Big Bird balloon!

We found a great spot to watch the parade from Broadway and 39th.

Me having fun!

Chicken Little

Guess what?

Creepy Ronald images…

Ronald McD.

"Healthy" Mr. Potato Head. He had running shoes, a water bottle and a stopwatch on his wrist. Aren't potatoes a healthy food anyway?

Dave, Sharon and Garfield's gut

Super Grover! (and me taking a phone pic)

Dave took this on the way to the PATH on 23rd (in Chelsea). It was a beautiful morning!

The weather held out for the parade, but rained later. We were supposed to get a little snow that day, but it never happened. Yesterday it was *beautiful* out, but it stayed in the 20s. Today, we have the windows open @ 45 degrees. We love it here!!!

UPDATE 12/6: I just came across some cool pics from the Macy's Parade at