Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Friday, November 11

Dave @ Alphabet Lounge

Dave played at Alphabet Lounge again tonight. He was tired, but he had turned them down each time they had called him in the last two months from being so busy at work- he didn’t want them to lose interest in him.

The few people that were there waiting to see the reggae band after Dave (maybe only 12 people) were really into his music. They all recognized his “Nurse Who Loved Me” cover (by A Perfect Circle) and really dug it when he played Tool’s “Maynard’s D*ck”! They sang along- it was cool. Afterwards, Dave, Eric and I walked back towards the PATH, but ended up shopping in a tee store after seeing a fuzzy Burt Reynolds t-shirt in the window (which I promptly purchased).

After a quick bite at a “dive-Mexican taco joint”, we headed home for some well-deserved sleep.