Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, October 29

Shankar was here!

The guys (Dave, Eric and Jef) went out with Shankar last night. I just couldn’t do it. We had dinner at the apartment beforehand so I had the chance to hang out and talk, but I was so ill from being worn down!

Dave, Shankar, Eric and Jef

I’m glad I DID stay home! They came back at 5:30am!!! They had an amazing time out on the town. Shankar stayed at our place- we had breakfast and ran down to sign the paperwork for the new place before he headed back to his family’s house. We’ve already started making plans to visit him in Denver in the Spring- I’m so excited to see his place downtown!

Thanks, Shankar!!!!! We miss you already, but we’ll see you soon!

Shankar, Shankar and Dave