Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, October 8

Rainy weather-the week coming up

Weather this week is supposed to be particularly crummy.

Outside the window today...

At least you can see that the leaves are changing!

It's going to be a CRAZY week. Besides the huge project we're working on (the last huge haul/Weekend work: coming right up!), Dave is flying down to Orlando on Tuesday to throw a bachelor party, and then driving over to Fort Meyers to attend the wedding. I'll be flying to Orlando Wednesday night to visit friends at my last job and to meet up with my parents who are driving up from South Florida to see me, then meeting up with my boss and a few other employees (including Eric) for a business meeting on Friday (at the same place). That night, I'm flying to Fort Meyers to meet up with Dave and his family to also attend the wedding on Saturday. Dave and I fly home on Sunday.

The week after is going to be so horrendous- we have to figure out when we're going to move, too! I guess the weekend after that? We're going to pick a weekend before the end of the month, but also fit in a weekend of work somewhere to catch up.

We’re heading into the city today so I can pick up a dress, Ugh!