Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, October 4

We found our new apartment

Dave and I finally found a larger apartment! It's the closest we've found to the one we passed up when we first looked at living in Dixon Mills. The property manager has taken us on 3 previous "tours" looking at different apartments over the last 2 months. We think we'll like this one.

It not only does it have the outside area on the top floor that we've been drooling over, but it also has a spiral staircase and two bathrooms! It's as close to perfect as I think we're going to find without missing the upcoming seasons. And it's about $300 more a month ($150 more each). But still, prettty cheap since we're not directly in the city!

I should also mention that it's in the same building we live in now, but one floor up and a bit down the hall. This will be the easiest move either of us has ever made!

We're going to turn in our paperwork tomorrow and beg to move in this upcoming weekend. I know it sounds fast, but next week Dave and I will be out of town for nearly a week (Dave to throw a bachelor's party and be the best man in a wedding, and me for business in Orlando and then to attend the wedding in Ft. Meyers). Work is also at it's PEAK! The sooner we get this done, the better it will be. If the answer is no, we may not be able to do anything until nearly the end of the month.

...And honestly... I want to get it over with because I love the apartment we're in SO will be hard to see it every day. It sounds sappy, but that's how I am.

Moving on, here are a few photos:

Part of the living room, looking past the kitchen area, second bathroom to the second bedroom in the back...

The terrace in the second bedroom (which is on the 4th floor)

The spiral stairs...

The large "porch" area upstairs off the main bedroom (the 5th floor)

The view off to the right on the porch (views of Newport with peaks of Manhattan buildings)

We're excited, but I have a small amount of mixed feelings. It's just me worrying that I won't be happy; a self-doubt I always inflict on myself. I'll be fine once we move.

I'm starting to feel a bit run down. Cross your fingers that I'm not getting sick! It seems everyone at work is sharing some sort of bad cold. It's that time of year. ...Plus all the overworking and stress. And not really sleeping. Or eating. That's probably not helping much either, huh? All right, all right. I'll go to bed.