Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, October 3

One year's worth of beer

For those of you who are interested in how much beer was consumed in our apartment in exactly one year, read on. For those who are not interested, go here.

Good- You're still here! Or maybe you just came back after trying the link above because couldn't help yourself from seeing where I were to link you to had you not been interested in the blog below. Or, maybe you're just back after checking out the link because I had peaked your curiosity when hinting that the site you might click on if you weren't interested in the story below might actually be something thrilling, and you're now ready and eager to learn more about our personal drinking habits within a year’s time. Either way, we're glad you're here.

We drop 99.9% of the caps from the beer we consume in our apartment into a large glass jar. We actually kept all the caps from the previous times the jar was filled, but we noticed that the jar was filled completely up to the very rim on the very morning of our one year since moving here.

Here are all the caps separated out by "flavor" (as Dave lovingly calls it) to see what beer was drunk the most.

In total, there were 46 different "brands" of beers. The caps were sorted by "families". For instance, we counted all the Sam Adams caps (Regular, Light, Winter Brew, Octoberfest, Spring Ale, etc.) as one brand.

Here are the top 23 beer caps found in the jar. (All the other brands were under 12 beers and would have taken up the whole page to list them all!) Note: An asterisk indicated a "family" group.

Bass (12)
Grolsch (12)
Holstein (12)
Killians (12)
New Castle (12)
Corona (18)
Sapporo (18)
Stella Artois (18)
Pete’s (19)
Anchor Steam (21)
Michelob* (21)
Peroni (23)
Carlsburg (24)
Molson* (24)
Moosehead (24)
Kronenberg (27)
Dos Equis (31)
Beck's (37)
Saranac (41)
Sol (70)

Coming in at #3... Sam Adams* at 126 caps...

The runner-up... Magic Hat* at 148...

And the winner... Brooklyn Brewery* at 174 CAPS!!!

And here are the really scary facts:
- Total bottles of beer consumed: 1,040
- Average beer consumption per day: 2.85
- Average beers consumed per week: 20
- Total beer consumed: 97.5 gallons
- Total calories consumed: 124,800 (geez!)
- Total amount spent on beer (average of $9 per six pack): $1,557.00

I know how this looks... we're not drinking beer every night, and only a bit excessive once or twice a month on a weekend. ...And then there are those game time get-togethers...

Overall a very good experiment, I think. It was fun to figure out, and it will be even more fun to start the whole process again until next year! =)