Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Friday, October 28

New apartment: "yours!"

We had told the apartment complex this afternoon that we were going to have to stay in our current apartment. Mostly because of money (we just got back from a business trip and a wedding, are getting the computer fixed and have to buy a new microwave), but a little for the principle as well. We were really depressed about it, really.

Later on around 3, we ran into the CEO in the bathroom while washing our hands (we happened to all come out of the stalls at the same time. Oh, and our bathroom is unisex…just to- you know…clear that up as well). She asked how the apartment was going, and we told her the story. She told us to borrow the extra money from the company and pay them back later. She said we shouldn’t give up something that makes us happy when we could just pay the money back later. We were floored (and a little emotional). We overlooked the lack of communication from the complex. We get the money back, anyway….and that means we can move tomorrow morning!!!

Dave called the apartment manager back and has set up a time to sign in the morning. AMAZING!!!!!

Shankar is in town tonight, too! No time to stop now!