Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, October 27

New apartment: "not yours"

Well, the exciting day has come for Dave and I to sign the new lease! Oh, but wait…. There’s a catch!

While sitting in the office ready to hand over our checks, we found out that there is an additional half month’s rent ($800) to tack on to add to our deposit!!! Why? Because when we moved in there was a “special” going on where we only had to pay one month’s rent for the deposit. Oh, I see. So you forgot to tell us until right now??!

We’re going to have to think on this one. We’re already shelling out $400 to get the computer fixed (thanks to them), and now we may have to give up on the apartment. They won’t even let us make two payments! Hmph. Very disappointing.