Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, October 17

Fried with a side of fried

After we arrived home late and exhausted last night, we quickly realized something was wrong. Our entertainment system, our microwave, and worse- our computer- was dead. It turns out that while we were gone, out of all the buildings, this part of this building was affected due to a leak to the basement’s electric meter. The rain had been intense from before we left to the time we flew back. Some areas of NJ were flooded out and apparently, so was a very small portion of the building’s basement. The one that counted.

The entertainment system ended up being ok- the surge protector it was on actually did it’s job. The computer was the only thing that was on the other surge protector that wasn’t fine. SUCK!

I cringe now as I remember back to the slight power surges that were going on before I left, and how I left the computer on sleep, thinking everything would be fine, and how I figured Eric would be hanging out at our place with the cats, on the internet or watching tv. Damn!

GOD I hope my computer will be ok!!! I haven’t backed things up in forever, and I have so many photos and so many personal keeps!!! I will be devastated if it’s all gone…

I don’t think the apartment complex is going to pay for it. We’re going to write them and probably fight a bit about it, but we cancelled our apartment insurance when we moved since it was part of Dave’s car insurance. I guess we know better now!!!