Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, October 30

The Day After

We’re officially all moved in. We’ve been working over at the old apartment all day getting the last few miscellaneous pain in the butt items, removing nails, cleaning up, etc.

My legs are so sore I can barely walk!!! I think it’s from going up and down the spiral staircase carrying heavy things…it feels like I have shin splints in my calves!!! UGH!

Eric and Dave rented a car (and ended up getting a P.T. Cruiser!) and drove into the city to pick up the computer. I hope that thing is going to be ok. I’d hate to rely on Dave’s P.C.! (EUGH!!!! Can you imagine?) ;)

We’ll probably do a fast Target and grocery store run since we have the car. I can’t wait to get settled in and relaxed! I have MUCH blogging to catch up on!!!!!