Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, November 5

Eric’s one year

Eric arrived in NY on Nov 6th, 2004! It’s been one year!

The "party porch" with purple lights...

We had a small house party- really with just Jef, Eric, Dave and I (the usual crowd). However, after two small margaritas, I was the loser and fell asleep on my bed. Too tired!!! The guys stayed up all night.

At about 4 in the morning, I woke up in my clothes, checked the porch and grabbed my watered-down margarita, two candles, and two empty beer bottles. I was heading downstairs and wanted to check on Dave who had slept on the couch, and thought if my hands were empty, I might as well grab a few things on the way to the kitchen…

So I shuffled down the stairs, arms full o’stuff, and I almost made it. The last two steps… I slipped! Margarita everywhere, candles rolling…. My butt hit the corner of the metal stairs so hard- I now have a bruise on my ass almost as big as my ass cheek! Don’t worry, no photos. I do want you to come back and visit from time to time.

ANYWAY, Eric, CONGRATS! So much has happened in a year and there’s so much more in store this year!!!