Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, November 12

Indian Food and Friends

We went to visit our friends Scott and Iris in Stuyvesant Town and then went out for Indian food and drinks. I just want to personally thank Scott and Iris for introducing us (Dave, Eric and I) to our new, favorite Indian restaurant! Now, we’re not the connoisseurs of Indian food, but we all thought it was kick ass! Not only was the atmosphere awesome, the food was great!

The place is called “Panna II“. It’s located in the East Village on 1st Avenue, between 5th & 6th Street.

When you first approach, there are three Indian restaurants that are bunched together: Two upstairs- one to the left and one to the right, and one underneath them. All three have hosts outside talking over each other to get your attention, as they all compete to get you into their restaurant - talking up their specials, offering a table immediately, offering to throw in a free glass of water… It’s like walking through Little Italy! I heard the two Indian places upstairs were owned by two cousins that compete each night.

Anyway, get yourself right up the stairs and to the right, like you know what you’re doing- you won’t be disappointed! While I’m sure all three places have similar dishes, the atmosphere in this one is so cool! There are hundreds of strands of those red pepper lights hanging down so that you have so bend over while walking to get to your table. There’s a mirror down one side of the room and large swatches of reflective/3D wrapping paper covering the other. There are beach balls and disco balls hanging among the mess of lights. It’s a fun place that should be experienced! Note: it's BYOB, so be sure to bring a bottle of wine and/or a six pack along with!

Afterwards, we hung out at a bar down the street for a few hours, talking, playing songs on the jukebox, and feeding a dog named "Clark" snacks from the bowl at our table. It was a lazy night, and it was wonderful to see Scott and Iris again.