Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, November 20

Preparing for Thanksgiving...

This weekend Dave and I did an IKEA trip and a serious grocery run. We're all set for Thanksgiving! I'm preparing a fun, gourmet dinner for our "Orphan Thanksgiving" which consists of this year's family-less Eric, Jef, Dave and I. We're going to the parade in the city in the morning (we're all excited!!), then going to watch football and have Thanksgiving together.

The trip to IKEA was almost as much as the total of our spree! Those "$19.95" vans actually cost that PLUS $1.99 a mile and gas! On the way to IKEA, we missed a turn on the way, so we end up driving through the Newark airport lot in order to get back on track, then came out right were we started in Jersey City. We ended up driving twice the distance! Ugh. Well, at least we know what NOT to do next time. Rent a regular car (between about $80 for the weekend), or just pay a cab guy (about $70 round trip, if you can get any large items you buy into the cab anyway). Buying a used car in the future has started to cross our minds...

The next few days at work are going to be packed with last-minutes fires and on the SS project, new projects, and employee reviews. We're SO looking forward to having four days off!!!