Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, December 6


...Well, so far for the celebrities and other more important people, anyway...

NY had the big premier for King Kong and a press conference last night with the cast and Peter Jackson!

After the show at Kate's (which consisted of the weekly crowd plus SCOTT and IRIS ...hi, guys!!!), Dave, Eric, Brad, Bobby and I wandered the streets through the falling snow (each of us carrying a heavy buzz), in search of Kong...

Four very happy guys in front of Grand Central Station

Parking on Park Ave

This is near Central Station- a life-sized, bronze statue of a man in a business suit hailing a taxi. Of course, Eric always NOSE what to do with inanimate objects...

Times Square

...And here he is, the giant Kong, made life-size! He's actually sitting, and was still about 2 stories high. (He'd be about 3 stories if he were standing). He was very life-like, long body hair blowing in the snowy wind...EXTREMELY AWESOME.

About 5 minutes after we took these photos, they shut the lights off around the scene and started removing the "set". We'd like to thank ERIC for finding out about this and all the guys for trudging through the city late at night with us to catch it!

We found out that not only is next Wednesday the opening day for the movie, it's the same night the Orlando Magic are playing in NY! (GO, MAGIC!)