Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, November 27

The Iron Monkey in J.C.

Last night, Jef, Bobby, Eric, Dave and I stumbled a few blocks away from our place over to "The Iron Monkey", a restaurant with an upstairs bar and rooftop club. The bar resembled the old "Bodhisattva" in downtown Orlando. (Except that it was trendy. Oh, and full of people.) ;)

Anyway, we found out that every Tuesday night they hold an open-mic! They had someone playing last night as well. Hopefully Dave can add The Iron Monkey to his list of places to perform.

It was very cool for Bobby to ride in all the way from Long Island just to hang out! We all had a blast, although I can't remember most of what we talked about at the bar or after we all returned home! I'm still recuperating @ 6pm the next night!

I DO know that we had a hell of a great four days off.