Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, November 4


This time, it IS for real! No, I SWEAR!!! This time I have it all worked out.

I just purhased a new iMac, and it should be here by the end of the week. I'm SO excited!!!!!! Dave and I even went to Home Depot this morning and had a bunch of wood custom cut so we could build a desk for the bedroom!

You have absolutely no idea how lost and miserable I've been without posting and being creative. I thought I could shake the obsession of sitting at my computer for 20 hours a week at home. Crazy.

I'll be working on my web site once again (will rise again?), and use my web cam to share our amazing view of the New York skyline! We moved to Newport (in Jersey City) in April and we have such a GREAT view of the city from every window in our apartment- I've been dying to broadcast it! It's finally become a reality!!

While you're waiting, the following has happened since I posted in March:

• Dave got his first tattoo for his 35th B-day in May: It's a great design of King Kong on the Empire State Building, swiping at bi-planes swarming around him...VERY awesome!

• I got my second tattoo for my 35th: a pretty decent-sized one across the nape of my neck. It's of the Incubus bird, vines with music notes/leaves branching out.

• Our English Bulldog, Maggie turned ONE in October!

• We still miss the hell out of Jeff.

• I am barely hanging on to the reigning champion title for Guitar Hero II (I haven't playing most of this year!) ...I refuse to buy Hero 3 until I fully complete 2...

• I've hardly played REAL guitar since last Christmas. =( ...cue GarageBand!!!

These last 22 months have been pretty much about work. I haven't been in a creative position since I moved to New York, very much the opposite of what I had planned. Getting back on track with blogging, illustrating and web work should help a ton while I work out the other half of my life.

Stay tuned! Expect something big to come around within two weeks! In the meantime, I'll be a'bloggin!