Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, November 26

Happy Post-Thnxgiv'g!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend!

We did absolutely NOTHING these last few days, and it was everything I'd ever dreamed of.

For Thanksgiving day, Dave and I decided not to go see the Macy's parade again this year. Instead, we slept in, played Guitar Hero, and had our Turkey dinner over at Dorrian's Red Hand on Washington. They had a full pre-set Thanksgiving dinner, and it was awesome.

I'm actually home sick today, but Eric is back at work from his Thanksgiving vacation with family to take my place. The "thing" that's been going around has finally gotten to me. What really sucks is I've been out of paid days for a while, so this is another loss of wage. SUCKS. I'm still getting checks with a few days taken out from our cruise we took in September!

Christmas vacation is coming! We'll be driving all the way to Florida with Maggie to visit Dave's parents in our old town, Orlando, and then down to Palm Beach Gardens to my parent's where I grew up. Nine long days, no work...