Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, September 26

A few photos during the storm

Welp, it's Sunday and the hurricane is STILL going on!!!! Super gusty and pouring. It started up around 1:30am last night and hasn't stopped. So far we still have cable and power- we've just had a few surges. The storm should be out of here some time tomorrow (Monday).

We keep sneaking out onto the back porch, being shoved around by the wind and watching the rain fly sideways and foreign objects soaring out of the condo construction site behind our apartment. I took a few digital photos, but they didn't seem to come out well enough to do this experience justice. I found plenty of photos on the Orlando Sentinel site, and found two photos taken from a block away:

Orange Ave downtown

I saw people outside walking their dog in this!!!

You can find the rest of the images from all over Florida here.

I'll check in again soon...