Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, October 10

Our first IKEA trip!

Finally. FINALLY! I’ve been going on and on about it to Dave for so long. I haven’t been to an IKEA since I lived in California over 4 years ago! God, I missed it. What a great time!

Yesterday (Saturday), we took a cab to the IKEA in Elizabeth, NJ, which is about 7 miles away. We spent almost two hours trying to find the perfect bookshelf / entertainment center, bar stool and nightstand. We walked back and forth again and again through the same areas trying to decide. It was busier than I’d ever seen! I mean, it was PACKED with people! We found out why later when we got to the register…about 5 minutes before we were done, I had found a cool, red Chinese lamp for 2 bucks. When we checked out, $100 was taken off our bill! Apparently, for every $250 you spend, you get $50 off! Those 2 bucks put our total at $501.32. One hundred bucks off!!!! WooHOO!

BTW: Sorry, Kathy- I forgot my camera on this trip (I left it sitting on the bed!), so I’ll have to take it on our next trip there, which I’m sure will be soon! ;)

We spent all night last night (‘til 3!) building bookshelves, night stands and bar stools. We’re going to do as much organizing and decorating as possible today. Then football, pizza and beer! =)