Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, October 2

Pig and Whistle

I wish I had brought my camera. Man, I drag that damn thing all over the place wherever I go, and the one time I think I should leave it home and just enjoy myself, I spend the night thinking about how much I wish I had it.

All the stress and physical work we’d been enduring for the entire week needed to be let out, so Dave, Eric and I hit the town for a much-needed splurging of food and beer!

We pre-partied at home with a few beers, found our way to our favorite “Joe O’s” and slugged back three pints of Smithwicks and 24 of the hottest chicken wings I’ve eaten in years. We wandered through the streets of New York where a drunken Eric dropped his phone and damaged the screen.

After a little convincing to just fix it in the morning, we wandered through Times Square, over to the Pig and Whistle. I was so exhausted, I almost feel asleep while sitting on the bathroom toilet. After yet another beer, we returned to an animated state and struck up a great conversation with a guy whom we found out was the senior sound guy for the Conan O'Brien show (our favorite!)!!! He gave us his card and invited us to go back stage into the sound booth to see how it all worked…Unfortunately, we ‘re starting our first week of work, and the filming hours are from something like 2-6. …We’ll keep his card around a while….

The subway and PATH train ride home felt like 3 days. Dave and Eric didn’t remember buying and eating a soft pretzel at the end of the night… and Dave navigated us home on the subway!!! Scary!

“Hey, if you were a golden fry cone, would you eat yourself? I know I would.”