Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, October 7

Shopping sucks. But it's New York!

My feet were hurting so badly tonight that I had to break down and buy a pair of sneakers at Footlocker just to get home. The terrible part is, that was the third time that week I had gone to that same store! Every time I went in, I’d get frustrated and leave. I’m a total caveman (cavewoman) when it comes to shopping. I just go in to find the basic of basics and leave.

My problem is that I don’t really own any functional shoes. Dave has more shoes than I do. I hate shopping so much. I think it’s because #1: I’m terrible at buying things for myself no matter how bad I might need something, probably because #2: I’ve never, ever had the money to shop, and #3: I’m terrible at shopping. Period! I get so confused, frustrated and impatient; I usually only last about 25 minutes on average in any given store.

A big problem with me buying shoes is that I wear 10 1/2; most good shoes stores don’t carry anything over 10. And if they do, they don’t carry half sizes. I ended up giving up and buying size 11 sneakers. They’re a little uncomfortable (a little too much extra room in the front), but the arches are good enough to get me through until I get in the mood to keep looking. Sooner or later I’ll figure out where to shop. And I guarantee I won’t even try anywhere else if I can find what I need there. I need help! I’m in New York, for cryin’ out loud!