Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, September 27

The day before we leave (possibly)

It's just after 4pm and we're just getting the truck. Things around the area aren't so badly damaged despite the strong gusts and nonstop rain over two days. I think most of the weak trees and objects were taken out during the last two hurricanes.

We're hoping to load most everything into the truck tonight, but we still have to patch the apartment up; fill in holes and touch up the walls, paint over a few red stripes and figures we drew on our bathroom door...

.I think we'll end up leaving early Wednesday morning, so that we'll arrive at our new place on Thursday morning.

Sunday, September 26

A few photos during the storm

Welp, it's Sunday and the hurricane is STILL going on!!!! Super gusty and pouring. It started up around 1:30am last night and hasn't stopped. So far we still have cable and power- we've just had a few surges. The storm should be out of here some time tomorrow (Monday).

We keep sneaking out onto the back porch, being shoved around by the wind and watching the rain fly sideways and foreign objects soaring out of the condo construction site behind our apartment. I took a few digital photos, but they didn't seem to come out well enough to do this experience justice. I found plenty of photos on the Orlando Sentinel site, and found two photos taken from a block away:

Orange Ave downtown

I saw people outside walking their dog in this!!!

You can find the rest of the images from all over Florida here.

I'll check in again soon...

Saturday, September 25

Riding it out!

We finished cleaning out storage today and organized the apartment a bit- we'll see what happens in the next two days- we have a moving truck scheduled for Monday OR Tuesday (depending on whether or not the truck place is open).

Hurricane number three! My parents are up here with us while Palm Beach gets hammered. We're next! The winds are just beginning to pick up, no rain yet. We supposed to get 100 plus winds (not gusts) tonight- I'm guessing we'll be out of power sometime in the next few hours. As soon as it comes back on, I'll fill you in and include a few photos!


Thursday, September 23

A possible delay?!

Check Jeanne's Progress

WHAT!? This is getting rediculous. Unbelievable. Hurricane JEANNE has been messing around for the last few weeks out in the ocean, looping around, looking lost...and now, it's bee-lining right for us. Fabulous.

Our plan was...I mean finish packing over the weekend, pack up the truck on Monday, and leave early Tuesday morning to get into NY Wednesday morning. We moved our move-in date up to Wednesday so we could get a few days to relax, have some fun, get some sleep before our first day of work (Monday Oct 4th).

I was starting to feel pretty sad today at work. I don't know if I want to have a "goodbye lunch", although I suppose I should. I wish I could just write a goodbye email and sneak out the back door.

Wednesday, September 22

Coming soon: Goodbye, I-4!!!

I won't have to drive home like this every day! Hea-YEAH!

Sunday, September 19

Let the packing begin

It's 2:30am and I'm just getting ready to go to bed. Dave and I have been packing since this morning (as well as washing three plus weeks worth of laundry)! I'm so driven I don't want to go to sleep! And just one more week of work!!!

We found out today that the apartment was definitely ours. Tomorrow morning, someone's coming over to buy the fish tank already! I had made a great flyer and had hung it up at work on Friday. Within three hours, someone from Editorial called on it. I'm really going to miss that tank. I love it so much, it's just time to let it go. It's just so beautiful.

We might get to move early! We've packed up all our millions of books and all the various toys and art from around the apartment. That's actually pretty much everything. What's left are large objects like dressers, a bed, desks and a couch. Our place is luckily very artistic, yet very simple. It's looking pretty weird in here.

The studio we'll be working for wants us in asahp, but I'd like a few days off. I'd love to move in on a Wednesday and start work the following Monday. We REALLY need a few days off. It's been a very long time, and I'm so tired.

Thursday, September 16

A photo of our future apartment!

We were dropping off my offer letter to the property before the long drive home.

My favorite characteristic about the property: it's a converted pencil factory!!! Here's the history of the property.

Or place is in the building in the background, right above the sign!

Here's a view from the bedroom through to the living room.

In front of Grand Central Station

I'll post all the other photos from this trip up soon! The website is almost done!

here and back again!!!

We're back!!! Lots of damage, but not as much as we were afraid of. WHEW! The cats were fine, I'm finally picking up the fish from Dave's parent's house, and all is finally falling into place.

The short version of our trip:
Dave and I both got jobs at the studio! The Publisher wanted to hire me, but even after three interviews, they still couldn't decide on where to place me, and I needed an answer that trip. After seeing the studio and meeting the people there, I feel like I made the right decision. We also found an awesome apartment across the river in Jersey City. The building is a converted pencil factory. How cool is that?!

The long version of our trip:
Leaving Florida at 5am was brilliant! We spoke to a woman at a rest stop in Virginia that had driven from Palm Beach (three hours south of Orlando) to flee from the hurricane, and she had left over 24 hours before we did. She said it took her 6 hours to get out of the state of Florida!

We had a fun drive to Long Island to stay at Dave's Aunt and Uncle's house (thanks, Sue and Paul!!!), and we rode the train to the city for the first few days. The train costs $40-50 round trip for two people....and the ride one way was over an hour long (2 hours long during peak time!). Waaay too tiring for us, already being under pressure to get things done. It was the afternoon by the time we got into the city, and after 11pm some nights getting home!

Between the businesses being closed during the week of the Political Convention and then Labor Day the following Monday, the studio had to push the interview back until Thursday. The Publisher ended up calling to set up another interview while in route to the city (whew!), so I set up a date around the same time. We decided to make the most of it and look for apartments even though it was sort of backwards, but we only had so much time to look...

We took the train over to Astoria (Queens). I had heard it was really cool there...There were some fun stores, but the neighborhood wasn't that nice. The more we walked, the less inspired we were. Then after Dave stepped in dog crap in the middle of the sidewalk, we decided it was a sign. Maybe we were walking in the wrong direction? We were tired and walked back to the train station.

We took a train and then a subway over to Hoboken (NJ). ...WOW! What a cool place to live! Row houses of every color, hilly streets, people outside walking everywhere...Cool pubs and cafes...a little over-trendy, but very cool. A little like Thornton Park...a tiny bit less like the people who eat at HUE down the street from our apartment in Orlando (If you don't know what that's like, get this: "HUE" stands for "Hip Urban Eatery". Yeah- BLEUGH. They even claim it's "Big City Dining", ha!). After walking through the colorful Sesame Street looking...streets, we decided to look in Hoboken.

We picked up a local paper and saw some decent priced listings through a broker. Normally, a broker charges a fee of something like a 12 percent of your yearly rent, usually equaling out to $1,500 or more, but maybe we'd find a place where the apartment owner paid the fee, or there'd only be a small fee. At worst we'd get a good idea of what's what in the area. We called the broker, and after a whole crazy, insane but fascinating story that you'd have to hear in person, we eventually ended up looking Jersey City as well. When we saw the apartment, we were totally hooked! We put down a $100 deposit to hold it for a few days and held our breaths for jobs.

Without getting into details, after two interviews and much negotiating, I ended up accepting the studio over the publisher. A little less money, but I was happier with the environment and the people seemed very cool. They were interested in Dave's past financial work experience, and contacted him yesterday for a job as well! He'll be helping out in finance, but also learning coordinating and art buying. I'm so happy for him!

My parents greeted us when we came home on Saturday night; the power in their area (Palm Beach Gardens) was to be out until later in the week. It was my mom's b-day on Monday anyway, so we celebrated by eating out every night and shopping a bit. They left yesterday, and they're cleaning up the yard, the pool, and everything else. They were hit pretty hard. Thank GOD Ivan went around us! I don't think anyone in Florida could take the mental stress.

I had a "tiff" with my boss upon returning, but gave my two weeks. I wonder if I'll be working through to next week? I don't really have anything to work on!

Our move-in date is set for October 4th. We're waiting to get the offer letter from Dave's new boss so we can get our names on the lease. TWO WEEKS before we move. CRAZY!

Anyone want to buy a 46 gallon bowfront freshwater aquarium, fish and all?

Thursday, September 2

Waiting to leave

The storm has moved a tiny bit, any bit is good.

We're definitely going to drive up to New York, but we're waiting to leave until about 5 in the morning. This will allow us to drive up and away from the traffic of other people trying to get out (we hope)! Plus, we could really use a good night's sleep. This way we can drive with a fresh brain and maybe even drive straight through!

I won't post about the upcoming storm any more, but here's one, last link if you're interested: Hurricane Francis' path

Anywho, I'm really excited about this road trip. I get to meet more of Dave's family. We have time to look for apartments. We can visit a museum or two on Labor Day (I hear a lot of New Yorkers head out for holidays and it's always a good time to see a show or visit a museum). If I were a big shopper, there's an 8-floor Macy's with a Labor Day sale! We might even come home with jobs. Everything could fall into place.

I'll write again by Sunday NEXT week! Stay tuned!

Oh, and sorry about that "God Bless" thing. That's very unlike me.

We're outta here!

I feel so VERY bad leaving the cats behind (I have three)! But our apartment is situated right up against four buildings- two are over 18 stories. For Hurricane Charley, we didn't feel a thing out on our back porch, but we could see the street out to the left with tree limbs and foreign items were speeding by. That was 105mph gusts then...these will be 145. I'm still trying to convince myself that it everything will still be all right.

Dave and I were going to ride this hurricane out as well and push our next NY visit out to the 13th, but he has relatives in both Virginia and in Long Island and they are gracious enough to have us on such short notice. Also, we have given our landlord our notice of leave in October- so leaving this weekend to scout for apartments and get interviews done, being out of reach of the hurricane, and saving a ton of cash- it just all seems to make good sense. I really hope everything stays put for the 18 hour-long storm. I'm still so worried about the cats.

A friend of ours will be staying nearby our apartment, so after the storm, he's going to check on the cats and call us to give us the damage report. As for all the fish, I'll have to buy a plastic container and lots of D batteries for the portable air pump; the fish are going to Dave's parent's place in case the power goes out. Someone needs to be nearby in case the batteries go dead. They were out of power for 5 days- this one could be much worse. The cats would be way too freaked out at someone's house without us there to calm them, especially with dogs running all around.

Anyway, wish us luck, along with all the other people piling up to get up out of this long, skinny state all at the same time, and I'll post some inevitably crazy photos when I return.

To everyone on the coast: good luck, be safe, and I never ever say this, but God Bless.

Wednesday, September 1

Francis blows.

(image last updated Sept 1, 3:30pm)

Check on Francis

Florida weather radar (check on us!)

Welp, here's what we have to look forward to AGAIN. We just had Hurricane Charley through here....a lot of homes STILL don't have power, have their streets cleaned up, or even have their roofs patched up (like Dave's place of employment).

The weather stations are syaing the eye is going to hit somewhere between just north of the Keys and Jacksonville. Ummm...that's the whole coast! Can they be any less accurate?

I guess we'll have to put off the New York visit for another week? !@#!