Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, October 11

Now only 45% in disbelief

I’m now about 55% convinced that I live here! It still hasn’t totally sunk in yet. Actually, today is the very first day I made the time to even think about it. Between staying so focused on getting things done and intensely learning a new job… For the last four weeks, I’ve kind of felt like I’ve been charging forward with my eyes closed, hands out in front of me.

Today is Columbus Day, so our shuttle bus wasn’t running this morning. Instead of calling a cab, we walked to the PATH Station, which is about five blocks away. It was 51 degrees, and I wore a scarf for the first time. The entire walk was amazing. The air was clean and crisp, the sun was beaming down golden light through the changing transparent leaves on the trees…it was completely awesome.

After work, Dave and I walked over to “World’s Tallest Walgreen’s” (just kidding; there’s a Walgreen’s at the very base of the Empire State Building) to drop off our film (tons photos to come this week!). Our days are full of such mixed familiarities…just eight weeks ago, we were looking up at that same building with awe, taking in the details. Eight weeks ago, we were in the middle of Times Square, amazed at the amount of people coming from everywhere in the world. Five weeks ago, we were spending too much money to stay at the same hotel just because it was familiar. Five weeks ago I was uncomfortably clopping down these same streets in heels and wearing stiff interview clothes, carrying my nerdy little notebook holding copies of my resume clipped with little colored paper clips. These surroundings ended up being the exact same areas we see every single day. It’s all so familiar, but not! Very surreal.

The Empire State Building is in our view every day, all day. As soon as we come out of the subway in the morning, it’s right there to greet us. We can clearly see it out the windows of where we work. On the way home, it’s all lit up, different colors set every few nights. It’s just magical. I feel so incredibly lucky. I don’t ever want to get used to New York.

Me standing right outside of the studio I work at (on 31st Street).