Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, June 30

Fireworks night @ Shea tomorrow!

Tomorrow should be a long, exciting day! Tomorrow is the boss' first day back after his two-week vacation away in Greece, I'm meeting up with a great friend from Florida (K-Rad!!!) for lunch, then Dave, Eric and I are heading over to Shea Stadium with a bunch of work friends to hopefully catch another successful Mets win and watch the fireworks right over the stadium (we have GREAT seats!), and THEN we're hopefully going to catch up with another friend for her birthday night out! Whew!

Here's a photo of Shea Stadium in 2002 on Fireworks Night.

We're back in the saddle again with Bikram. I'm starting to show some weight loss, and I have muscles the lower parts of my legs that I didn't know I could grow!!!

Dave and I never got the chance to jam at the music studio on Wednesday, but we did stop in to get final info on prcies and room sizes on Wednesday. I think we're going to head in on Saturday afternoon; it should be a lot less busy over the 4th of July weekend! And hey! YAAY!

Wednesday, June 29

Freedom Tower TK!

Mayor Bloomberg and Gov.Pataki FINALLY unveiled the new design for the Freedom Tower. We can't wait until it gets started! It's going to be such a phenomenal view from here!

Tuesday, June 28

King Kong Dec'05!

You can see the trailer for the new King Kong movie if you go see "War of The Worlds", or you can see it HERE!

Dave is completely going out of his head for this movie. He's been waiting his whole life for it! I'll bet New York will do something big like attach a giant inflatable King Kong to the side of the Empire State Building... Hmm...

Monday, June 27

Dave's first NY open-mic!

Dave, Eric, Bobby and I headed over to Kate Kearneys to meet a few musicians and support Dave at his first New York open-mic night since we moved here! Dave did great as usual! He even introduced his new songs! Everyone in the place had a great time. Eric and I were pretty inspired and are working on a song or two (individually) to hopefully play there in two Mondays (the 11th).

..You know, it seems like every time there's an open-mic night here, it rains! But then the Empire State Building looked so cool...

Sunday, June 26

Bikram during the gay parade

This weekend was relaxing: very laid-back. Dave was warming up for his first NYC open-mic tomorrow night, and ended up writing two really amazing songs, which he may perform as well. Wednesday after work, we're going over to the music studio to rehearse together for the first time since moving here.

Today, we went to Bikram. What we didn't realize was that the Gay Parade was today! It took forever to squeeze through the crowds to get to class! The parade was right outside the window of the room we have class in (5th Ave.). It was hard to focus with all the music and screaming outside! Our instructor was practically yelling out everything.

After class, we were allowed to climb out on the terrace to watch for a while. Imagine standing out on the 3rd floor across from the Flat Iron building, a full view of Madison Square Park and the Met Life Tower, with thousands of people filling the streets and a huge, colorful parade of wild and fun people marching and riding down the was GREAT!

I was killing myself (and still am) over leaving my camera at home. That's IT! I'm not going ANYWHERE with out from now on! (Even if that means I have to buy another, smaller one!!!)

Wednesday, June 22

Giant Popsicle Melts, Floods New York Park

Yesterday, Snapple wanted to break the record for the largest ice pop in Union Square. I wish I had seen this one... we had walked right through there on Friday!

"Giant Popsicle Melts, Floods Union Square": Click here for the story...

Sunday, June 19

One more barbecue photo

Oh, yes. I almost forgot... I promised Eric I would post this to get back at him for making a face EVERY SINGLE TIME I try and get a good photo with him in it.

What a pain in the ass he is!!!

Barbecue @ Lillie's yesterday!

Lillie (a great friend from work) threw a small barbecue at her place in Long Island yesterday. The smell of fresh-cut grass was like a new scent all over again!

After many glasses of lemonade dosed with Absolute Citron and lots of laughs, I finally remembered I had my camera. I only took a few photos, but here are two of them from the barbecue...

Dave and I…

Lillie and Dave.

Here's a photo after getting off the train platform upon returning. I never realized how many platforms there were! (and there are more behind me!)

And here's a quick photo waiting to cross the street out of Penn Station to head over to the PATH...

Hope you all had just as good of a weekend as we did!

...and Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!

Friday, June 17

Shopping in NY

Dave, Eric and I took a loong walk after work (I wish I had brought my camera!) and ended up checking out a store called "Urban Outfitters". Awwwwww, MAN... we were floored!

There's an Urban Outfitters in the Millennium Mall in Orlando (actually called "The Mall at Millennia"...a VERY beautiful mall, I might add!). The store in this mall was cool, but not much of a big deal. But THIS one: located 14th and 6th...WOW! The coolest clothing. Dave had to put some of his items back! And there was a complete section of chic books, sassy home decor, and everything fun!

We're heading back as soon as I get paid. I'm really starting to understand shopping. And I'm realizing something.... I've always LOATHED (hear it being said in your head as it's pronounced in movies: "LOOOAATHE") shopping. I'm understanding now that all the shopping in Florida...big boring malls. Strip malls. Department stores or cheap $19.99 stores that really only have clothes that fit petite girls in high school. It's depressing. It makes you feel like there's no hope. But now, I'm connecting the words "shop" with "New York".

Check out this amazing hat!!!

Super artistic. This looks and feels like just the hat to write and perform in.

Here's a skirt I found (great detail!)

And this is the skull necklace that finally arrived which I had ordered from Giant Jewels online! (found through Pixel Girl Presents)

Look out, New York! I'm a goin' a shoppin'!

Thursday, June 16


One of Dave's pics from Orlando: one of the family dogs, Toby!

Monday, June 13

Approaching normal

This weekend was sooo nice! I spent some time in the city with Eric and we did a little shopping. We also ate at Olive Garden, a place I didn't think I'd see and/or eat at in New York, but it was fun, breadsticks and all. As usual, I ate way too much.

Dave is having fun in Orlando as well! He's mostly resting and spending time with family, although he did get the chance to see a few friends (Agner and Frita, Deee-lia!, "Coward" and Vera, Izzy and Ryan). Izzy's actually flying to New York tomorrow, the same day Dave is! Different times, but still! I can't wait to see you, Iz!!! And Ryan- I wanna see you here soon, too! (Not that I don't want to see everyone else here, mind you!)

While Dave was away, I bought a few items for him while I was out looking for Father's Day gifts. (DON'T FORGET FATHER'S DAY- IT'S THIS SUNDAY!!!) I also found a fun tee for Dave online: a "Pipe Camp" shirt.

So life is finally picking back up again! When Dave gets back, we'll be back on track for our fitness schedule! I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but we have friends that are getting married in October, so we're going to have to be serious until then! That's our goal to get ourselves into decent shape. Four months should be plenty of time!

Things are also getting back to normal at work: The Social Studies books have started (we're interviewing while we're pouring pages tomorrow), and I'm working with the Science book as well until the main Project Manager returns. I'm moving copiers and shifting shelves. It was a loooong 6 weeks of boredom!

Thursday, June 9

Skirts and sandals!


Yeah, I know it's still spring. But it's SO hot it feels like summer.

I've NEVER worn skirts or dresses, and barely ever shorts (unless I was specifically going to the beach or taking a walk outside). The last time I wore a dress was 5-6 years ago and it was for a friend’s wedding. I think I wore a skirt maybe 10 years ago or more! But today, I forced myself to wear a skirt and sandals and it was pretty awesome! It felt so hip walking the New York streets in a linen skirt and artsy sandals! Now all I need is an iPod...

I think it's the "seasons" thing. It was just snowing a few short months ago- that makes this summer actually FEEL like summer. In Florida, it ALWAYS feels like summer, so it's nothing. In New York, it's totally different. It's like dressing to celebrate every different season.

For example: in Florida, if you wear flip-flops, it's not all that attractive- it’s just...normal. Almost lazy. But you can go to a club in New York, or a high-end restaurant and see a woman in a beautiful, long dress and flip flops and it's cool as hell!

It'll take me a while to go all sandals, though. On the way home from work I stopped and bought a pair of hemp Converse sneakers.

Tuesday, June 7

Dave in FL and H&M

Dave's back in Orlando partying it up with his family and friends until next Tuesday. I might just be rested by the end of this week!!! ;)

Work was actually a little busier today- I have lots of things to do to keep me moving: preparing for and attending the launch for the Social Studies books starting up, working on Science, making calls and interviewing a few people, and purchasing a few things to keep production organized through the upcoming crazy times. I'm so excited! :::nerd alert!:::

Eric took the day off, so with Dave gone as well, it was both weird and refreshing to walk through the city alone. I even stopped into H&M for the first time! They have clothes you can really rock in, plus great work clothes that are actually pretty cheap! My friend Kat told me all about it before I even moved here, and other people here talk so much about it, but I just never made it in. After 8 months, I finally discovered a very cool place to shop! ...wait... has it been 8 months already???! HOLY SHIT!

I miss you already, Dave!!! ~*

Monday, June 6

Double header at Shea

We had a great time over at Shea! We had box seats and stayed for BOTH games! We had the view of a video game!

Here's the NY skyline from Shea...

It was a very relaxing 8 hours!

Sunday, June 5

Korova Milk Bar

We STILL don't have A/C, going on two weeks now. Last week the temp would toggle from the 50s to the 70s, so it wasn't a big deal. But THIS weekend - today - it will go up to 90. THANKS Dixon Mills!!! ...That's ok, sort of- we're going out today anyway. My first Mets game at Shea!

Last night we headed over to the east village to meet up with Iris and Scott at Korova Milk Bar and had some white Russians. (Did I *have* to capitalize "Russians" since it's only the name of a drink? If so, should I have capitalized "White", too??!)

We went over to another bar for a few beers, and then ate at a gourmet-type pizza place. I can't remember the name of it... it's near Stuyvesant Town, where they live.

Later, Dave and I headed over to Doc Holiday's, which was packed and smelled of sweaty people. So, we hit the can and left.

A few photos walking around-

We ended up running into Steve, another friend at CBGBs. There are signs all around that read, "Save CBGBs". Apparently, their rent was increased to something around $40,000 a month and they're in danger of closing. It would be so sad if they closed- even just for history's sake. But every time I've been in there they've had crappy bands playing and it was not even close to packed. I can't imagine they make anywhere near that amount a month for rent. Crazy.

It's so warm in the apartment, and I'm still a tad hung over. To the game!!!

Saturday, June 4

Newest Albums

We headed over to Best Buy on 23rd after work last night for a few weekend CDs. We picked up new CDs from a few old bands:

-- A Perfect Circle's "Emotive": We were surprised to find this- we had no idea there were going to any more Perfect Circle albums! Even more surprising, most of the songs were COVERS such as John Lennon's "Imagine" and Tears for Fears "People are People"! A great example of how to perform covers using your OWN style. Extremely cool.

-- Dishwalla's "Dishwalla": Ok, so I bought it. I was right about "Surrender the Crown"- very cool, mellow song. The album is a "step to the left" as far as Dishwalla's signature formula - which I love - but it's not bad!

-- Garbage's "Bleed Like Me": I've never been into Garbage (ok, maybe literally), but everyone else (including Dave) seems to like them. I've only listened to the album once, but I'm thinking I don't like it. Her voice got a little annoying after just a few songs- not changing enough. Even in the past, I always thought the songs should be produced with her voice more up front. She's always kinda mid to behind everything else. Not sure about this album yet. It 's a good exercise to show how poor lyrics sound better with music, though...

-- Gorillaz' (?) "Demon Days": There was a super album with videos and interviews for $6 more, but I'm not a huge fan, so I got the album only. Same 'ol Gorillaz sound- nothing too outstanding on it, but a good album to have around for background music. Plus I was just curious. It's a good thing they didn't name it "Demon Dayz", or I would have put it right back down. ;)

-- Collective Soul's "Youth": Yes, a new album by Collective Soul! I liked them back in the day; a heavy rock vs. pop mix. (This album is less rock and more pop.) I still love Ed Roland's voice!

We partied a bit while listening to each album from start to finish, talked about music and just chilled out. It's been a long time since we've had a relaxing "music night".

Friday, June 3

Shopping online

I was SO bored at work today, I went shopping online! I bought a shirt for Dave from [WARNING TO THOSE WHO GET EASILY OFFENDED!], and some jewelry in an unlikely place: at I've always gotten all my desktop images from there; they have THE most incredible art!!! I change my desktop almost daily.

Anyway, she's extended her artist showcase to sell some of their products as well. From iPod cases to jewelry to pillows, it's a girl's unique fun shop. It's a place to get truly one-of-a-kind items (for guys, too!).

Thursday, June 2

Big rat on 30th and 6th...

I have absolutely on idea what this giant rat is for... I've seen it on 34th as well. I guess I should've asked the guy in the stinky Yankees cap...

Wednesday, June 1

Home by sun down!

I would just like to note this date...

(This is right off the Grove Street Path looking into the direction of our apartment)